Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We wish you...

Bah Humbug... I mean Merry Christmas... I mean...
GAH I can't stand the Orchard Christmas crowd! It's that time of year where Singaporeans become these monsters with no eyes and no ears and no compassion! My toes are flat and my shoulder is bruised! Waaaaai people? Waaaaiii???

ok... Rant over.
And since I should NOT be ranting during this time of year, I repay my penance in charity...

Just go here

Help give a little and buy one of the cards! (if you're in Singapore that is) All the munnies goes to the SPCA and helps to keep all the aminals fed and cared for!
Have a great New Year ahead everyone...

This card design is (c) SPCA Singapore

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Birthdays Galore!

Tis the month of the Saggis! Yay half horse people...
So yay, I grow another year older and I really don't feel much different... Oh well.

And the big ol'pitbull terrier is for me Da... Happy Birthday Pop.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pet Shop

It's been a long time since I posted in here. But oh well, painting practice! Done with much reference. Still can't get colours on straight on my own, hopefully that changes soon.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeeen!

Hope you guys had fun and stuffed yourselves with candy, candy, candy...

And if not, send out the Rinny!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Olli Olli Oxen Freeeee!

Where did everyone go? *peeks under rocks*
Anyway, I miss you guys! Sydney is great and all, and I get to listen to Kookaburras like every morning and evening. I swear, you'd never think that such a tiny bird had such a loud voice!

I'll try to keep updating when I can, my pencil drawings have gone to pot and I seriously need practice >_<

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I am the backburner!

I haven't been arting much. I miss drawing.


More a case of frustration during work, rather than boredom. Somehow this piece appeared amidst the mess of things.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy D'Day!

For all the daddy's out there, our male role models and the ones who like to claim to bring back the bacon XD...
Ah my old man the road monster.


Friday, June 13, 2008


It was her birthday!
*HUGS da mama*


Thursday, May 29, 2008


....Yessss it has been a rough couple of days for me...

And I still owe Kai birthday art! *sobs*


Saturday, May 10, 2008

To all ze Mamas...

Happy Mother's Day!
Lots of love and thanks for those who have carried our heavy behinds for over 9 months and then have to deal with the fact that their precious one isn't as sane as they hoped ... *coughcoughcough*

I luff yew Mahmeh!

*runs around throwing hearts*


Friday, April 25, 2008

Yolkniks! BANZAI!

Yolk has created her deviantart account and you folks can look at stuffs we do at Yolk. The url for our deviantart is @ weareyolk.deviantart.com

Did this robot as the avatar for Yolk's deviantart. How is it?

Happy Boithday Burrrrrr!

Another crrraaazzzzyyyy year down the old space tube of doomy doomness!
Happy Birthday Doro!


Monday, April 21, 2008

On Government Time.

Hey guys!! Hope you don't mind me crashing the party. Looked like something fun to work on! Thanks for the image Nickie.

-Wen Hao

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


He's so dreamy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Just a mood I've been having lately.
Don't wanna work, don't wanna go for lunch or anything...
But I don't smoke!

Have a great Wednesday my pig smellies!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Need a light?

Another colour practice dealie. It turned out both better and worse than expected. =/ I have gotta work on my colour theory...


You can tell I've been watching waaaay too much Invader Zim... And in my sickness and haste the pic didn't really turn out the way I wanted.
But yesh! One day, I swear on my squeedlyspooch ,we will escape from the evil beings who call themselves our Tallests! Invader Rin, myself and the Ridz-Monkey... Tremble my little pig smellies! Tremble!!

*snerk hack cough wheeze*

Man I hope this flu ends soon...
Luffs you all!


Invader Zim (c) Jhonen Vasquez & Nickelodeon

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Omigawd BG! Edited

Hey Erin, nice work done on your recent attempts on BG. Love the colors and textures you use. Definitely got improvement. Well, here's some comments and opinions. Coz I'm not very good with explaining with just pure words thus i took the liberty to edit from your image, hope you dun kill me for that.
First thing first, composition! I can't stress the importance of that. Coz a composition can influence the viewers to react towards the intented mood you try to bring across. It is also a good way to lead the viewer's eye towards what you want to show. When i saw your BG, the first thing i notice is your 'tank thingy' at the center. If that is what you wan to focus, you definitely got it! Then I after swirling around, i saw that small man at the far end. Immediately i feel that there is a story in this pic. That is another one plus point you got it in. Thus, what i would do is the make that point scores more. I pull the tanks to the lower left and uses the few diagonal lines you got there and put them towards the man, which is now at the top right hand corner. Remember the rule of thirds? Yes!

The second thing I notice is the uses of straight lines. Not that they are bad, if you wan to illustrate a very artificial place and a place very narrow and tiny, straight lines are good. But it will be better it you slant them a bit and try not to let them appears parallel to the edge of the image. Becoz doing so will stop the flow of the viewer's eye.

Perspective as you all know must be correct. You did a pretty good job there. Did a bit of minor tweeking there for ya.

And the rim lights! Never forget those near the tank. The tank give out light thus the metal frame that holds the tank will get the rim light. You can see from the edited images I did.

I am still learning. Hopefully these helps!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Thassa big swa-ord

Just trying a new colouring technique. Or something. It looks about the same as my usual, actually. Bah.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Omigawd BG!

O_O ok guys another attempt at BG but this one was FUNNN!! WOOOOH!
Took forever to complete it..


Bring on the painted eggs...

...Cos it is (or was) EASTER!
And here's a coupla doodles for you lovelies...

"Nicci had never seen such an unusual Easter treat...

...Neither had the dragon."

Wanna easter egg wanna easter egg...
Didn't get anything this year, not even a tiny chocolate egg!
*goes to kick something*

Hope you guys had a good one!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008


21 and legally and adult... which means you have full rights to take over the world without parental consent!

Nicci Wuvs Eeyooo!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Go Shorty (Or Tall-y)...

It's your BIRTHDAY! WOooot!
Happeh Boithday Lio! Mah buddy Mah pal *pats your back* Hope you have a great one and don't forget a pinch to grow an inch! (Not that you need it mind you)


We love chuuuuu!!


Round Robin Time 2

My go at this. Very fun!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Round Robin Time!

Oki doki my talented cupcakes, this is just for fun yeah?
Just a doodle-bug round robin for all of us, I started it with a running bunny and it's up to you guys to continue the story...
More chars?
Something crazy?
It's all up to you and your twisted minds, go nuts!
You can resize/reposition bunny if you want, just don't lop off his head ^_^

Have fun and I so can't wait to see the final product *insert evil laugh*


P.s: I dunno how you guys wanna do this, either we pass it from one person to the next or anyone just flat out finishes the pic, up to you eh?

Friday, February 22, 2008

HI pple!

okay i hit my drawing block.it hurts. =o my arm has been hurting so i havent been drawing much! here are the pieces i've done =x~ forgot to post :D

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The 'LiL' Man has passed the interview stage and is now on his way to Polydom! (Eh Singapore Poly) So here's a belated congrats card to da Jason!
Proud of ya Bro!


Badger badger badger badger badger....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Keep it gay, keep it gay...

...Umn, yeah.
Some concepts done for a cartoon.
Flamboyant robots!

Sorry for not posting in ages btw, been up to my earholes in work.
Hope you guys had a great CNY!


Friday, February 15, 2008

Pepper Monarch

Some fun playing around with positive and negative space. The other Kai from IFS did a few pieces of work featuring Pepper as a warlord. So based on his theme, I did this.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Been really busy as of late, fusion show and fyp and portfolio and all things in between. Chinese new year is getting in the way of production and the entire fyp team is going to pieces. And fusion show work is starting to really pick up.

Anyhow we need a piece for the booth; probably gonna use this. Don't use colour much at all usually, so this is a definite change from the norm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Blood Angel

3rd piece of the day~! Frenzy mode! I named her the blood angel. Very rough painting just to get the idea down real quick.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Are you challenging ME?

2nd piece of the day. Its my first piece for my 100 themes illustration challenge. The theme is "Are you challenging ME". Yup, here it is! Its also base on the angels and demon concept for the 'might be' comic book that i'm working on. This is also quite experimental for me coz i'm testing out a custom brush that i made for myself.

Demon Design

Did exploration on some demon character design. Possibly for a comic that i might be working on.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Did a rough test for the pepper project. Trying out some method before i start doing the actual one which most prob will be a full body illustration. In the meantime, did an illustration of a dragon for my facebook's dragon.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Another WIP...

You notice I never finish my pieces these days? LOL
Pozaman will never be OVER!
I needs help with mah drawlings skillz *sniffs*
Oh well... Here's a new one I call Absinthe Fairy, she ain't finished yet, but uh, I have no idea when Or how I'm gonna finish it...

I need sleep.

Hope your Monday was better than mine!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

try and try again

hey peeps whatcha think about this costume? better then the other 2? thanks for the research i had been lookin at those too =o)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Of mice and photoshop...

Heya Guys!
Long time no post, been pretty busy, now that Pozaman is done, it's on to something more uh, for the younger crowd. Think nappies and milk bottles...

Just some test concepts, guess the rhyme *grin*

See ya soon!

P.S: You don't know fun till you've gone a coupla rounds of TABOO with Kai,Rinny and WS!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Possible Future Armor

I can't stress enough the importance of getting reference. Only till recently i realise Singaporean really does not seen enough. So the only way is to go to the net and search for the right material for your concept art. Rinny, when coming to futuristic stuffs, Feng Zhu is one of the best guy you should go to. I have compiled a few images and hopefully can inspire you in some way.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thanks Kai

I havent been able to get down to the bg yet but i did another version of the commander..need sum more comments >.< im at a loss..maybe another colour maybe? i quite like this version but she doesnt look as fierce

Monday, January 7, 2008

Futuristic Environment

I tried to keep the time period close to what I guess you had in mind Rinny. Heres one fast sketch i attempt before i go sleep.this is what i meant by trying some interesting angles and adding lotsa light to it. well, i should have added more elements and high gagets stuffs to make it more futuristic but this will do. small human figures should added to the environment to let viewer get the sense of size and perspective of the place. really important! dun know if it helps or not. other folks here can also attempt on it, might have a different feel altogether.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


hey Peeps i need helps! some comments and ideas would be good.
i need the city to look more futuristic perhaps.
and i need help with ideas on her costume..
project for work *cries*
OH and Welcome Sean!